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To help vulnerable members of the community team CCA also required your generous support and contribution. Your contribution towards the CCA‘s endeavours will be cherished immensely.


CCA team successfully completed Mezban 2024 and now planning on next event. Watch this space for updates...

Chess Coaching

CCA Chess Coaching for young CCA members to support youth development.

Cricket Campaign

A program to identify the talented players for CCA Cricket Team! CCA Cricket team participates in local community cricket and we encourage them to involve in sports to increase community networking.

Kids Fair​

CCA Kids Art Fair for young CCA members to support youth development.

Cleaning Day

Cleaning day volunteering event with local community.

Kids Learning

A program to assist kids learning by supporting local charities that working with kids learning.

Pita Utshob

An event for community networking by bringing traditional pita and celebrate with all.

Financial Support

CCA provide financial assistance to the vulnerable people who need it most.

Cultural Event

A program to build network with the people from all ages! CCA members, their family and friends actively participates in CCA Cultural Event and raise funds for charity.

CCA Annual Mezban

CCA yearly Mezban for local communities with traditional meal from Bangladesh! This is a great way of networking with local community.